Symmetry APIs simplifies integration with on-chain programs without the need of installing or interacting with external libraries.
Getting Started
To interact with Symmetry API, you'll need to make POST requests to with specific parameters based on the operation you want to perform. Each operation, such as minting, burning, or creating a new basket, has its own command path and required parameters.
import { useConnection, useWallet } from"@solana/wallet-adapter-react";import { Transaction } from"@solana/web3.js";constwallet=useWallet();const { connection } =useConnection();/* By using this publickey as host platform, your basket will be available for public @ Host platforms can set any address they want to collect fees at*/constsymmetryHost="4Vry5hGDmbwGwhjgegHmoitjMHniSotpjBFkRuDYHcDG";constcreator=wallet.publicKey.toBase58();constbasketParameters= { symbol:"FAVTOKENS",// 3-10 ['a'-'z','A'-'Z','0'-'9'] characters name:"My Portfolio Basket",// 3-60 characters uri:"",// can be left as empty and configured later. hostPlatform: symmetryHost,// publicKey - string. hostPlatformFee:10,// Fee in basis points (bps). 10 bps = 0.1% creator: creator,// wallet publickey of creator (string) . depositFee:50,// Fee on deposits, paid to the basket creator - 0.5% . type:1,// 1 = Mutable, Creator has authority to edit basket. rebalanceInterval:3600,// Rebalance checks are done every hour. rebalanceThreshold:300,// Rebalance will be triggered when asset weights deviate from their target weights by 3% . slippage:100,// Maximum allowed slippage for rebalance transactions, in bps 100 = 1%. lpOffsetThreshold:0,// EXPERIMENTAL: Defines liquidity pool behavior for rebalancing. 0 disables this feature. disableRebalance:0,// 0 - Automatic rebalances are enabled. disableLp:1,// 1 - Liquidity pool functionality is disabled. composition: [ { token:"EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v", weight:40 },// USDC { token:"DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263", weight:60 },// BONK ],};let request =awaitfetch('', { method:'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json' }, body:JSON.stringify(basketParameters),});let response =awaitrequest.json();if (response.success) {const {createTransaction,compositionTransaction,restructureTransaction } = response;// Decode the base64 encoded transactions provided by the API.constcreateTx=Transaction.from(Buffer.from(createTransaction,'base64'));constcompositionTx=Transaction.from(Buffer.from(compositionTransaction,'base64'));constrestructureTx=Transaction.from(Buffer.from(restructureTransaction,'base64'));// Sign and send each transaction to the Solana blockchain.let signedCreate =awaitwallet.signTransaction(createTx);let createTxid =awaitconnection.sendRawTransaction(signedCreate.serialize(), { skipPreflight:true });console.log('createTxid', createTxid);// Transactions need to be executed in the correct order, so make sure each transaction is confirmed before sending the next one.// Repeat the process for composition and restructure transactions.let signedComposition =awaitwallet.signTransaction(compositionTx);let compositionTxid =awaitconnection.sendRawTransaction(signedComposition.serialize(), { skipPreflight:true });console.log('compositionTxid', compositionTxid);let signedRestructure =awaitwallet.signTransaction(restructureTx);let restructureTxid =awaitconnection.sendRawTransaction(signedRestructure.serialize(), { skipPreflight:true });console.log('restructureTxid', restructureTxid);console.log('Basket created successfully');} else {console.error('Something went wrong', response);}
import { useConnection, useWallet } from"@solana/wallet-adapter-react";import { Transaction } from"@solana/web3.js";constwallet=useWallet();const { connection } =useConnection();consteditParameters= { creator:wallet.publicKey.toBase58(),// string basket:"4RofqKG4d6jfUD2HjtWb2F9UkLJvJ7P3kFmyuhX7H88d",// Publickey of the basket depositFee:40,// Fee on deposits, paid to the basket creator - 0.4% . rebalanceInterval:7200,// Rebalance checks are done every 2 hours. rebalanceThreshold:500,// Rebalance will be triggered when asset weights deviate from their target weights by 5% . slippage:100,// Maximum allowed slippage for rebalance transactions, in bps 100 = 1%. lpOffsetThreshold:0,// EXPERIMENTAL: Defines liquidity pool behavior for rebalancing. 0 disables this feature. disableRebalance:0,// 0 - Automatic rebalances are enabled. disableLp:1,// 1 - Liquidity pool functionality is disabled. composition: [ { token:"EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v", weight:20 },// USDC { token:"So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112", weight:50 },// SOL { token:"DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263", weight:30 },// BONK ],};let request =awaitfetch('', { method:'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json' }, body:JSON.stringify(editParameters),});let response =awaitrequest.json();if (response.success) {const { editTransaction } = response;// Decode the base64 encoded transactions provided by the API.consteditTx=Transaction.from(Buffer.from(editTransaction,'base64'));// Sign and send transaction to the Solana blockchain.let signedEdit =awaitwallet.signTransaction(editTx);let editTxid =awaitconnection.sendRawTransaction(signedEdit.serialize(), { skipPreflight:true });console.log('createTxid', editTxid);console.log('Basket edited successfully');} else {console.error('Something went wrong', response);}
Deposit into Basket
Description: Deposit USDC to on-chain account. Automation will rebalance USDC to baskets current composition assets and basket tokens will be automatically minted for user within 3 minutes
Description: Burn Basket Tokens and Withdraw underlying assets to the new on-chain account. Underlying assets from the new account can be claimed by using Claim API.
import { useConnection, useWallet } from"@solana/wallet-adapter-react";import { Transaction } from"@solana/web3.js";constwallet=useWallet();const { connection } =useConnection();constclaimParameters= { user:wallet.publicKey.toBase58(),// string basket:"PublicKey of the account created on the previous step",};let request =awaitfetch('', { method:'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json' }, body:JSON.stringify(claimParameters),});let response =awaitrequest.json();if (response.success) {const {createATAsTx,claimTokensTx } = response;// User might not have some token accounts from baskets composition// First transaction will initialize those accounts.constcreateTx=Transaction.from(Buffer.from(createATAsTx,'base64'));let signedCreate =awaitwallet.signTransaction(createTx);let createTxId =awaitconnection.sendRawTransaction(signedCreate.serialize(), { skipPreflight:true });console.log('createTxId', createTxId);constclaimTx=Transaction.from(Buffer.from(claimTokensTx,'base64'));let signedClaim =awaitwallet.signTransaction(claimTx);let claimTxId =awaitconnection.sendRawTransaction(signedClaim.serialize(), { skipPreflight:true });console.log('claimTxId', claimTxId);console.log('Claimed successfully');} else {console.error('Something went wrong', response);}
Deposit single Asset
Description: Users also have an option to deposit an arbitrary asset to Buy/Mint Basket tokens. Only constraint is - asset should be in the baskets current composition.
tokenMint: Mint address of the Asset to be deposited.
amount: amount of Asset to be deposited.
Ts Example:
import { useConnection, useWallet } from"@solana/wallet-adapter-react";import { Transaction } from"@solana/web3.js";constwallet=useWallet();const { connection } =useConnection();// Deposit mSOL tokens and receive ySOL basket tokensconstdepositParameters= { user:wallet.publicKey.toBase58(),// string basket:"4RofqKG4d6jfUD2HjtWb2F9UkLJvJ7P3kFmyuhX7H88d",// ySOL Basket tokenMint:"mSoLzYCxHdYgdzU16g5QSh3i5K3z3KZK7ytfqcJm7So",// mSOL amount:0.5// 0.5 mSOL};let request =awaitfetch('', { method:'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json' }, body:JSON.stringify(depositParameters),});let response =awaitrequest.json();if (response.success) {const { transaction } = response;// Decode the base64 encoded transactions provided by the API.constdepositTx=Transaction.from(Buffer.from(transaction,'base64'));// Sign and send transaction to the Solana blockchain.let signedDeposit =awaitwallet.signTransaction(depositTx);let dopositTxId =awaitconnection.sendRawTransaction(signedDeposit.serialize(), { skipPreflight:true });console.log('depositTxId', dopositTxId);console.log('Deposited and Minted successfully');} else {console.error('Something went wrong', response);}
Redeem Single Asset
Description: Users also have an option to sell/burn Basket tokens and withdraw to an arbitrary asset. Only constraint is - asset should be in the baskets current composition.
user: PublicKey of the user selling a basket token.
basket: PublicKey of the basket on-chain account.
tokenMint: Mint address of the Asset to sell Basket Tokens to.
amount: amount of Basket tokens to be withdrawn.
Ts Example:
import { useConnection, useWallet } from"@solana/wallet-adapter-react";import { Transaction } from"@solana/web3.js";constwallet=useWallet();const { connection } =useConnection();/* Withdraw ySOL basket tokens and receive mSOLMake sure to check that there are enough tokens (mSOL in this example)in the funds current composition.*/constwithdrawParameters= { user:wallet.publicKey.toBase58(),// string basket:"4RofqKG4d6jfUD2HjtWb2F9UkLJvJ7P3kFmyuhX7H88d",// ySOL Basket tokenMint:"mSoLzYCxHdYgdzU16g5QSh3i5K3z3KZK7ytfqcJm7So",// mSOL amount:0.1// sell 0.1 ySOL};let request =awaitfetch('', { method:'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json' }, body:JSON.stringify(withdrawParameters),});let response =awaitrequest.json();if (response.success) {const { transaction } = response;// Decode the base64 encoded transactions provided by the API.constwithdrawTx=Transaction.from(Buffer.from(transaction,'base64'));// Sign and send transaction to the Solana blockchain.let signedWithdraw =awaitwallet.signTransaction(withdrawTx);let withdrawTxId =awaitconnection.sendRawTransaction(signedWithdraw.serialize(), { skipPreflight:true });console.log('withdrawTxId', withdrawTxId);console.log('Burned and Withdrawn successfully');} else {console.error('Something went wrong', response);}
Set Basket Metadata
Description: Creators can set metadata for their Basket Token. In that case, token will get easily detected by Wallet Extensions and Solana Blockchain Explorers